Saturday, September 12, 2009

Donna has new shoes?

Donna's Vibram Five Fingers arrived today.

Donna has fuchsia feet!


Anonymous said...

Donna, I would love to know what you think of them. I came across them the other week while wandering the net. Even thinking about buying some! (but in a manly colour of course!!)


Donna-MaD Crossfit said...

Ralph, they don't make the pretty colors in men's sizes, so you won't even be tempted. I am trying them out today. I bought them mainly as water shoes.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious, too. Been tempted to try them but am opposed to buying umpteen athletic shoes, you know?

-- philip (Bard College)

Donna-MaD Crossfit said...

Hey Philip,

I really like them, but I really like to go barefoot. I have lifting shoes, running shoes, can never have too many shoes.