Wednesday, August 5, 2009

WOD, burgers and beer..............

Donna had a couple of massages to do today so we held off working out at East Sac until this afternoon.

Then it was AMRAP 20 Minutes:
5 Power Snatch @ 80% of 1 RM Matt: 115# Donna: 55#
Run 200m
20 Push Ups

Matt: 7 rounds + 5 Power Snatches
Donna: 6 rounds + 5 Power Snatches

After we got the girls home and settled we headed out to our first dinner out in Sacramento at a local resturant called Roxy they try to serve local and organic stuff whenever possible. Great burgers and beer, I had a "Kilt Lifter" Scottish Ale. We will be back there to sample some of their other offerings.
Donna's beef burger, the bacon was awesome as well :-)


bears said...

hey guys! Having a BLAST in whistler!!!! I'm going to do the big GLC drop by the end of the week for sure. I did the last of the transition drops and it was like butter :)!!!!! eeeeeee!!! I have my phone off so I won't be able to call you. Looks like you guys are still having fun in sunny Cali :) miss you and wish you were here!

Donna-MaD Crossfit said...

eeeee! Glad you're having fun, we are def thinking of you! Ninja Cougar, Karate fun. I hear SL is there again taking pics. go big. wish we were there too! xxo