Since I am on a rest day and Donna was feeling better, we headed to CF East Sac so she could stretch me and then hit the WOD.
For Time:
10 Snatch 135/95
10 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
10 Clean & Jerk 135/95
10 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
10 Thrusters 135/95
10 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
Snatch and Thruster
Donna: 9:17 Snatch 45# C&J/Thruster 70# Light White Band Pull Ups.
Then it was home to revise for our Run Clinics tomorrow and Saturday, before heading to the pool to cool off.
why does Matt post the most heinous pics of me? crazy man. anyway, it's good to be back!
ooooo..... i think i may do that WOD tomorrow! love it.
EC, you will LOVE LOVE this wod! You can send thanks (or not) to Justin and Travis at East sac
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