Friday, July 10, 2009

In Aromas, ready to watch some amazing athletes.

We are at the games

We hit the morning workout at CrossFit East Sac before hitting the road to Aromas.

3 Rounds For Time:
Row 500m
12 Deadlift @ Body Weight
21 Box Jump 20"

We both went as Rx - Matt:10:53 Donna 15:52.

Then it was time to repack the car and head to the 2009 CrossFit Games in Aromas.

Preparations are on going. The dreaded hill.

Another angle on the hill.

Ginger doing her best farmer impersonation while chewing on some grass.

The girls meet the neighbours from CrossFit Sacramento.

The East Sac Fortress (5 Ezy Ups) at the games, look for us there.

Shana stopped by to modify some socks for the scary 7.1 km trail run on Saturday and to show off her new hair do. You go girl!!!!!!!


Donna-MaD Crossfit said...

I cannot believe matt typed, "you go girl" LOL

bears said...

hahaha! I know! I miss you guys! have fun!

Matt said...

Well it totally went with the photo!

Adam Winch said...

Hey, look for Jess there. I know she'll be looking for you two. Have fun at the Games

Donna-MaD Crossfit said...

Adam, I have her cell and she has mine. we will find each other.