The seminar was great, lots of good programming info from both Dutch and Greg. We did some workout creation sessions and hit our own made up workout of the day, 5 Rounds For Time
7 Sandbag/Dumbell Cleans
10 Sandbag/Dumbell Step Ups
Matt: 3:25 with a Med Sandbag and Weight Bench Step Ups
Donna: 4:49 20# DB's and a 19" Box
The goal was a 4-6 minute workout so I was a little light or my step up was too low. Donna was pretty much spot on :-)
Then we talked a bit about the CrossFit Level 2, Trainers, Business and Community.
This seminar is well worth the time and effort. It provides a different perspective and fills in some holes, especially for trainers and affiliate owners, that the Level 1 doesn't cover in enough depth. Lowy Trainer Seminar: Coach Better Program Smarter"
Dutch and his "Bacon is meat candy" T-Shirt
MaD the girls and Greg from Catalyst
Turns out Donna is on the wall of fame (or is that infamy) at Catalyst
Donna on the WOF (halfway up on the left)