Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pull then Push

Donna and I had busy days out and about as we get ready to head to New Zealand on Friday.

We borrowed this workout from CrossFit Santa Cruz Central.

Deadlifts* @ 3/4 body weight for 30 seconds,
Push-ups for 30 seconds, followed with 1 minute rest.
10 rounds

*If you are bouncing the weight we will call them rdl’s ( Romanian deadlifts ) which is o.k., but heads up as the bar can sneak away from you causing a poor set up ( see Annie in video ). If you open your hand at the set down of the bar, they will be called deadlifts….the rdl’s will result in higher numbers and a higher met/con component, while the deadlift will build more strength as the range of motion is more complete.

Both Donna and I did Deadlifts.
Matt 135# Deadlifts: 81 Push Ups: 159
Donna 108# Deadlifts: 79 Push Ups: 125

We highly recommend this workout. It is a sneaky bugger, much harder than it first appears (like all good CrossFit workouts).


Anonymous said...

You guys rock--Nice hair DD.


Donna-MaD Crossfit said...

Thanks for noticing Diego!