Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another workout with CFNZ

After a very pleasant evening with Chris and Rache we headed back to CFNZ this morning for another session with Taz and Darren.

We worked up to some heavy deadlift singles. We shared what we learnt with Rip regarding deadlift setup and that helped Darren to a new PB of 162.5 kg. I pulled 160 kg but stopped there as it was starting to look ugly. Donna and Taz worked up to 90kg.

Donna helping Taz out with the new set up.

Coaching works both ways, Darran and Taz critique my form.

Darren 162.5kg New PB

Then we did a strict pull up ladder, one pull up in the first minute, two in the second minute, etc. Donna did similar,but used a 45# bar to do presses, she managed 10 rounds completed.

With the pull ups, up until minute seven things looked good, but I struggled to finish eight and couldn't get the nine done in time. Darren and Taz both cranked through a couple more rounds. These two are strong, watch for them at the Australasian CrossFit Games Qualifier in April.

Then we did a swap of T-Shirts and Hoodies before heading off for some sight seeing and visiting friends.

The new CFNZ shirt, hot off the press.

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