Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MaD visit CFNZ

Today we headed to Auckland to check out CrossFit New Zealand. After an encounter with the local constabulary (no your are not allowed to speed in NZ either) we made it to CrossFit NZ.

We were warmly welcomed by Darren and Tamaryn (Taz). Darren even made us an excellant paleo lunch of beef and vegetables.

Then we headed to the box to work out, coach each other and meet some the the CF NZ clients. We were there for the 6pm class. Darren and I joined the class as Donna and Taz coached the session.
The WOD was, AMRAP 20 minutes
10 Thruster 95#
10 Pull Ups
100m run
Matt: 10 rounds + thrusters

Darren doing thrusters at the back, while Taz runs the whiteboard and coaches.
On top of that, this morning we headed to a globo gym in Rotorua with my Mum. We gave her some rowing coaching and some squat therapy. Then Donna hit her 20 rep back squat set at 105#.


Darren said...

If I'd known you'd be taking photos of my cooking Matt, I would have 'Jamie Olivered' it a lil bit; made it look all fancy....

Great to train with you today, and thanks for the coaching help Donna - both mine and the group.

Heavy Fran Friday, Double Running Fran today, I'm over this chick for a while.......

(8 or 9 rounds + 10 thrusters. Chest to bar pullups)


Donna-MaD Crossfit said...

Nice work on the Wod, sorry, but you needed a little 'verbal encouragement' to get back on the bar. Those chest to bar pull ups looked painful.

Food was awesome and looks great, honest! no need for mr. oliver. See you back at the box today.

Matt said...

Darren pretty sure you did 9 rounds.
I was only push pressing so was not as Rx. The squat in the thruster is still too much for my knee.
Lunch was awesome, no Jamie O required.