Thursday, January 22, 2009

A mix and match

Both of us had busy days then it was home for a couple of different workouts.

I stuck with Kettlebells:
Double-KB clean and push press, 7 reps
Double-KB bent-over row, 8 reps
One-arm windmill, 5 reps (each side)
Double-KB front squat, 5 reps
Hand-to-hand KB swing, 12 reps (each side)

Rest 30 seconds between exercises and 90 seconds between rounds. Do a total of three rounds.
I used 2 x 1 pood (16kg)

Donna and Trish banged out a great CrossFit workout - Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:

55 pound Thruster, 5 reps

55 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
55 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

Donna: 6 rounds
Trish: 6 rounds + Thrusters and Hang Powercleans.

Donna's Botev weightlifting shoes arrived today so both she and Trish tried them out. A must have if you are going to take this stuff seriously. So I guess I had better get my act together and order some.

I finally found a use for the SwissBall.


bears said...

oh man, that workout hurt like HELL!! Thank you Matt for coaching me through it. Thank you Donna for letting me try out those shoes!!! I really think they helped. Now, I really want a pair.
You guys spoil me :)

Jen's Gym at Crossfit Watertown, CT said...

Hot shoes! Whoot!
Matt, you look good rolling around with a pink ball under you!

Donna-MaD Crossfit said...

Thanks, I love my new shoes! I had to warm up with a few snatches just to get a feel for them.

Matt said...

No more Pink Swiss Balls, I ordered my lifting shoes this morning :-)

Matt said...

OK so I did that same Thruster/HPC/SDLHP workout tonight. That is one nasty beast.