Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's a bit brisk around here

Today was the 1st day of a 3 day below freezing blast of arctic weather. It looks pretty outside just don't try to do anything out there, brrrrrrrrrrr

PM WOD done at the Pittsfield YMCA - no bumpers or chalk :-( and NO room :-(

Snatch - 85% x 1 x 4
Matt: 135# Donna: Technique work

Clean & jerk - 85% x 1 x 4
Matt: 170# Donna: Technique work

Back squat - 85% x 2 x 3
Matt: 275# Donna: 135#

Tomorrow Donna gets a rest day, the first in almost a week, about time too.

Met Con, done at home. For time:
200 m row
20 sit-ups
300 m row
30 sit-ups
400 m row
5 burpees
Matt: 5:54

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