Thursday, August 7, 2008

Overhead Squat, Front Squat, Back Squat

I found my legs a bit tired after Xterra, but Matt, true to form, didn't seem to be bothered. This was a new workout for us. I personally had never done a front squat.

This workout is really about technique. Without proper form you will either fail or get hurt. I can't stress enough the importance of proper form before loading the bar with weight. Key elements -finding the proper depth, driving up and not staying in the bottom.

Jason and James were there to help. Thanks Jason for changing up all the weights!

The girls where in a coma from the heat of summer.

Nice work for all the clients who did the WOD. Jason and Travis did the full 5k. This was Jason's first...nice work (and he said he couldn't run). I think their POSE training is paying off. Everyone else that day did a 4k.

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