Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Boston and Deadlifts baby!

What am I?

Thanks to Jane and Andy for hosting us on Cape Cod yesterday and last night. So odd to be there without the girls.

I spent the day with the family in Boston. We hit the New England Aquarium, got to see Goose fish, sharks and Myrtle the Turtle :-)

Myrtle the 550# Turtle

Then it was off to Legal Seafoods for lunch followed by a stroll around the markets and up to Boston Common.

A cappucino mustache

Finally Dan, Kat and Esme' headed off to Logan on a water taxi and I hit the Pike for the drive home in time for the wod. Check MaD CrossFit for the complete workout.

Ginger encourages Donna to a 190# PR

Deadlift 3 x 5
Donna: 185-190# PR
Jason: 315-325# PR
Matt: 315-325# PR

Then choose one of the protocols 21-15-9 or 15-12-9 or 15=>21 Reps

Donna: 159# x 21
Jason: 295# x 21
Matt: 295# x 13 - was aiming for 15 reps but should have gone with 290#

Metcon (Aim for less than 10 min)
21 - 15 - 9 Reps
Pull Ups
Row 400m (or run 400 or jump rope 150)
It was a great evening so we ran.

Matt: 9:35
Jason: 12:17

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see you are showing Esme your evil habit!! She looks cute and happy. Nice to hear that you had a good time. Hope you got some sleep too!