Aside from school and work Donna and I got our fingerprints taken as part of the immigration process, just one of the many hoops for us to jump through.
As for the workout today we are onto Week 4 of Strength Bias.
Back squat 3 x 3
Jason: 280-285-295# PR
Trish: 115-120-125# PR
Donna: 145-155-155 x 2
Matt: 275-280# PR
Metcon (Aim for less than 15 mins)5 Rounds For Time
7 Jerks 135#
20 Pull Ups
Jason: 11:00 - 95#
Trish: 11:24 - 65#
Matt: 12:58 135# and so as to reduce the breathing load on my snot filled lungs we dropped the pull ups to 10 strict pull ups per round, this kind of worked as I got a good workout but did not sear my lungs too much.
This workout is from the New England Throwdown held at CrossFit New England on Mar 7. Our friend James from CF Boston had the fastest time on the day with 5:42
Donna gives Trish and Jason some "verbal encouragement"
Donna looks like she is yelling the F*bomb-dizzle. I want to get that picture of her tattooed on my chest....nice work MaD CF
That's the hottest picture of the year! Now if you could get that mad in the bottom of a BS the fucking bar would fly up over your head back onto the rack! Whoot.
@JH, can't wait to see the new tatt. sweet....ness! @jen, you're right, I need to get fuckin angry. next time I bs, I promise!
D- that picture is hysterical!
Now we're going to have to call YOU an angry Kiwi :)
haha i must say i recognize that face ;)
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