Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Deadlift day :-)

A busy day at home and school for me and Donna. The house sale is a little stressful but all going well it should go through.

As for the WOD, Trish made it back to MaD CrossFit tonight after a rest week, so it was a full house in the garage gym.

Deadlift 3 x 5 then choose one of the protocols 12-9-6 or 12=>15 Reps

Matt:310-315# PR 295# 12-9-6
Jason: 310-320# PR 295# x15
Trish:155-165-175# PR 145# x15
Donna:-Back Squats- 115-125-136# PR Deadlift- 145# x 15

Metcon (Aim for less than 10 min) 3 Rounds For Time (RFT)

Row 400m

10 x Push Press – 70% BW

Both Jason and I need to work on our press grip - too far back in the hand.

Trish: 65# 8:49
Jason: 95# 7:07
Matt: 115# 6:37


bears said...

um, so what's up with my left pinky? Looks like I'm drinking a cup of tea!
I guess it wasn't heavy enough... :)

Matt said...

Trish, you had to look close to see that. It is your first round so only 155#. Need to start heavier next time. You are right though a very dainty way to lift :-)