Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Turns out, lifting heavy shit makes you strong!

Great effort tonight as we caught up on doing a max effort for the press.

Today was more packing and cleaning up from the weekend. I also took the opportunity to check out Erik's garage, a new location for the MaD CrossFit gym we hope.

Tonight's workout:
Shoulder Press 5-3-3-1-1-1

Jason hitting a new PR by 25#

Jason: 85-95-105-135-145-150# PR by 25#!!!!!!!
Matt: 95-115-115-150-155-160# PR by 10#
Donna: 45-55-55-75-80 Fail-77#

Then this workout from the Dirty South CrossFit Games Qualifier -8 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
5 Clean and Jerk 135/95#

10 Chest to bar Pull Up

Score each rep.
We scaled to ensure good form and because we are on a half intensity week. Compare to the Qualifier results - Men and Women

Jason - 89 89#/Kipping Pull Ups
Matt - 74 111#/CTB Pull Ups
Donna - 72 55#/Light band assisted Pull Ups

So that finishes off the first six week Strength Bias cycle. Results speak for themselves. We have all hit PR's in a variety of workouts and exercises. Now time to enjoy the half intensity week and some games qualifier workouts :-)

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