Monday, November 10, 2008

Saturday afternoon workout

Jason was moving house on Saturday morning so he missed the morning session, I wanted a bit more recovery after Barbara on Friday night, so we met at BizFit ( in the afternoon to throw down a WOD. Trish and Liz wanted a workout on top of the skills session so they joined us as well.

Gregg from CrossFit Montclair in NJ kindly provided T-Shirts for me and Donna so I thought I had better christen mine during the workout.
Nice sweat angel or is that a demon?

The workout as prescribed was, Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
135 pound Hang power clean, 12 reps
135 pound Front Squat, 9 reps
135 pound Push Jerk, 6 reps

None of us was feeling up to the full weight so we went with: Liz 25#, Trish 65#, Jason 75# and Matt 95#

Jason, Trish and Liz tackled the WOD first.

Great effort all around. This workout is tough no matter the weight, trying to keep good form through all those reps is a challenge, but you guys worked hard at it.

Then it was my turn. Thanks to all for hanging out to cheer me on.

I got it done in 15:22 so maybe 95# was light, but I am still trying to be nice to my back. Next time it will be the as Rx weight.

Donna is still out in Sacramento, today she is off to the zoo to check out some different sorts of animals, a bit different to the beasts from CrossFit East Sacramento :-)


Anonymous said...

nice work by all! i will be doing the same workout monday at crossfit east sac. hey matt, do your knees ever bend? is that a push press or a push jerk? lol

Matt said...

ok,ok so it was at the start of the workout and I was feeling strong. It was a push press. They looked more like push jerks towards the end. My power cleans had a lot of arm pull as well. Just more stuff to work on :-)

bears said...

Having a cold and doing that workout was not the best idea. I was in so much pain, I could barely breathe!!
Thanks again Matt!

Jason O said...

Matt...your videos get more impressive every time. Thanks for doing them and so well!!! Also, big thanks for having me in later on Saturday. I have to say I want to try that WOD again with heavier weight...I just could not do it with my shoulders screaming. Trish- for having a cold you kick butt! Also, thanks for the reminders yesterday Matt...the yelling really helps.