Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday Skills - Gymnastics

The SSS (Saturday Skills Session) at BizFit ( today was an introduction to gymnastics skills.

A great turnout by the ladies. Regulars Mona and Jo were there, as well as Trish and her friend Liz who normally works out at Guerrilla Fitness in Montclair NJ. Gabriel also gave it a try today. After a series of warm up drills courtesy of GSX Athletics it was time to practice some skills and drills:
Hollow Hangs -Dips - Knees to Elbows - Ball Ups - Dislocates - Skin the Cat - Band Assisted - Handstand Push Ups

Donna is hanging out in Sacramento with Paige. But seeing as there is a CrossFit affiliate nearby she couldn't resist checking out CrossFit East Sacramento. She will be back there on Monday to workout with the crew.

Another one for the ladies to read thanks Mona for reminding me about this one.

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