Saturday, November 8, 2008

OMG that hurt!

Ok, so Donna headed out to CA to visit Paige. I decided to take in the 6pm Friday class at the gym. It was packed, glad to see it is still so popular. This class was the first one Donna and I did on a regular basis way back in February when we started this crazy CrossFit stuff.

Tonights workout was "Barbara"
Five rounds, each for time of: 20 Pull-ups, 30 Push-ups, 40 Sit-ups, 50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

When I last did this on May 12th my times were:
3:15-4:00-4:20-4:17-4:41 Total time: 32:33
3:29-3:42-4:32-5:11-5:28 Total time: 34:20

First 3 rounds were faster then I ran out of steam, especially in the Push-ups. Overall a little slower but not bad as I work back up to full speed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice work matty! miss you!