Monday, June 15, 2009

Just try it for a month....................

MaD and Robb Wolf
We had an interesting time at the Nutrition cert yesterday. It was a long session but well worth while. The big take aways for us were to make a qualitative change in our diets and try removing grains and dairy for a month to see the effects. There was a lot more than that covered but the best way to start is by cutting out the worst offenders.
"Eat meat, vegetables, some fruit, nuts and seeds, little starch, no sugar" and that is where we will start.
After the certification I hit the wod with James and Jen from CrossFit Boston.
Walking lunge 100 ft, 21 Pull-ups, 21 Sit-ups.
Walking lunge 100 ft, 18 Pull-ups, 18 Sit-ups.
Walking lunge 100 ft, 15 Pull-ups, 15 Sit-ups.
Walking lunge 100 ft, 12 Pull-ups, 12 Sit-ups.
Walking lunge 100 ft, 9 Pull-ups, 9 Sit-ups.
Walking Lunge 100 ft, 6 Pull-ups, 6 Sit-ups.
Matt: 9:35

Then we headed to dinner at "The Cactus Club" where we tried to practice what we had just learnt. I think we need more practice :-)
Donna and I made it onto the CrossFit Games website, not the best picture of me but I wasn't feeling all that flash right about then.

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