Friday, March 13, 2009

Getting there...........

After a bad night with Kiwi - she was like a baby, vomit, poop and pee everywhere, I dragged myself to Pittsfield so Donna could work her massage magic on me.

Kiwi is much better now :-)
Then off to Tractor Supply Company and Home Depot for the Olympic Lifting platforms hardware. Plywood, stall mats and screws. Now I have a project for tomorrow.

The box slowly takes shape
Finally it was back home to join Donna and Jason in the MaD CrossFit wod, 5 rounds for time:
Row 500m

21 Ring Dips

Jason: 28:46 Blue band on dips
Donna: 22:34 Paralette and Box dips
Matt: 21:54 As Rx


Donna-MaD Crossfit said...

fyi, totally a bad night for kiwi, and matt stayed up all night. thanks for that. I had school early. wod was ummmm hard work.

Anonymous said...

El kiwi es un mun perro.


see you two soon