Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday WOD

Second day of the Bulgarian cycle, fun, fun......................

Muscle snatch - 105# x 2 x 2
Snatch - (90# x 1, 95# x 1, 100# x 1) x 3
Clean & jerk - 140# x 1 x 4

Metcon: 3 rounds for time of:
20 kipping pull-ups
15 hanging leg raises - damn these are hard! See description below.
AKA HLR, Toes to Bar. While hanging from a pull-up bar, lift your extended legs up to the bar, making sure to curl the pelvis up. Return to starting position. Do not allow your legs to bend.
Time: 8:31
For time: 26:59
10 GHD Sit-ups, 10 Hip & Back Extensions, 65# Thrusters 30 reps, 50 Pull-ups
30 GHD Sit-ups, 30 Hip & Back Extensions, 45# Thrusters 20 reps, 35 Pull-ups
50 GHD Sit-ups, 50 Hip & Back Extensions, 45# Thrusters 10 reps, 20 Pull-ups
Sad news about my truck, it has a hole in the fuel tank :-( With luck we may be able to patch it, if not replacement may cost over $2K. Fingers crossed that the patch holds.

Taking in the view!

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