Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mattwabbitt at the gym!

Tonights Catalyst WOD:
Muscle snatch - 90% of last Tues x 1 x 3 Matt: 120# Donna: 45#
Push jerk + jerk - 60% (of jerk) x 2 + 1 x 3 M: 105# D: 65#

4 rounds for time of: 5 kipping pull-ups 5 box jumps - mid-thigh 5 GHD sit-ups 5 KB swings - 30% BW Matt 30' box, 28 kg Kettlebell 4:22 Donna: 20' box, 16 kg KB 7:02

I did the metcon before the strenght component and Donna did it after.

I also played with my max box jump, made it to 41 inches not bad as I am only 67 inches tall!

Donna had her first day back at school for massage therapy, doesn't seem too bad, I am looking forward to all the practice she has to do :-)

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