Thursday, September 4, 2008

Late workout

Donna had a late class and I was busy gardening and mowing lawns so we didn't start working out until 7pm. We got it done though.

Front squat - 80% x 3 x 5 Matt 205 wrong weight so the rest were 185# Donna: 115#
Snatch pull - 105% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 M: 185 D: 65#
Rack jerk behind neck - heavy single M:165# D:105# a new Personal Record!

Metcon: Matt 4:00 Donna: 7:46

3 rounds for time of:10 sand bag half-moons - 35% BW matt 15kg Powerbag Donna: 10kg
10 burpees.

Kiwi spinning a disc!
No pics from tonight but here is one from last week with Kiwi helping me mark out a piece of plywood to make a wooden training plate.

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