Thursday, May 28, 2009

Northeast Qualifier Workouts - Albany May 09

Matt Workout 1 CF Games NEQ May 09 from Matt Dyson on Vimeo.

Matt Workout 2 CF Games NEQ May 09 from Matt Dyson on Vimeo.

Matt Workout 3 CF Games NEQ May 09 from Matt Dyson on Vimeo.


Jason O said...

You did a kick ass job and I hope you are proud!

Matt said...

J, missing the last 2 reps haunts me a little bit. But at the time I gave it all I had, there was nothing left in the tank at the end of that 3rd workout.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the videos. It was good to see you in action. I am sorry about the last two reps, I can just imagine how much you are kicking yourself. You did so well, next time even stronger.

PaigeM812 said...

awesome job Matt! you make pull-ups look so easy and you're jacked... just a little bit though ;)