Saturday, May 2, 2009

Last WOD in Sheffield

Tonight was the last gasp in Sheffield before the gym moves to Stockbridge and we move to Richmond.

The workout is the 3rd workout from the Mid Atlantic Qualifier held last weekend at Virginia Beach.Workout 3: For Time -

400m Run,

21 OHS, (95m/65w),

21 BoxJump (24m/20w)
400m Run,15 OHS,
15 BoxJump
400m Run,
9 BoxJumps
Jason: 11:24 65#/24"
Trish: 12:20 35#/18"
Celeste: 9:45 5 & 10# 12"
Donna: 12:31 45#/18"
Matt: 10:30 80#/24"
Compare to the qualifier results here - Men, Women
Now we are off the the Route 7 Grill for dinner.

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