Friday, May 8, 2009

Pull Up bar is up!!!

We had a busy day. Me building bikes and Donna having her last day at school, spent at Kirpalu, it is a yoga type spa in Lenox, MA.

Then time for the Mad CrossFit workout, which came from the CrossFit Games Qualifier held at GSX Athletics in Texas.

WOD 3: Nine of Spades / Hopper Deck

3 Rounds for time: 21, 15, and 9 reps of
Box Jumps (24 inches)
KettleBell Swings (1 pood women / 1.5 pood men)
Sumodeadlift Highpull (65lbs women / 95lbs men)

Check out the results from the qualifier here

Matt: 6:25 as Rx
Jason: 7:34 as Rx
Donna: 8:02 as Rx
Trish: 7:59 20" Box Jump

We also managed to get the pull up bar installed. We need to properly secure it and move some stuff around to make kipping easy but it is up and usable as of now :-)

Jason tries the bar out

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