Saturday, August 21, 2010


My workout today came via CrossFit New Zealand.

Lt Tim O’Donnell, 28, was serving as part of the New Zealand Provincial Reconstruction Team in the Bamyan Province, Afganistan, when his unit came under attack. Lt O'Donnell was killed.

Two other New Zealand defence personnel were seriously injured; Lance Corporal Matthew Ball, 24, who is a friend of CFNZ member Nick's from primary and secondary school, and Private Allistar Baker, 23. Lt O'Donnell is New Zealand's first combat death in Afganistan, and New Zealand's first combat death in over a decade. Lt O'Donnell is survived by his father Mark, a former police officer, his mother Mary-Anne, a nurse, his brother Andrew, and his sister Anna.

Nick asked us if he could create a workout to honour Tim in the traditional CrossFit fashion. He wrote a few words for us as well.

Tim O'Donnell, Matthew Ball and Allistar Baker are New Zealand's heroes. It's intrinsic to the nature of heroism, however, that a hero is the last person who is going to call himself a hero, because the chief characteristic of true heroism is selflessness. That is what distinguishes true heroism, like those fighting for our country and community, from false heroism such as sports idols and movie stars. Tim, Matt and Allistar gave selflessly of themselves to fight for our country and felt as if they were only doing their jobs, even though their jobs require them to do extraordinary things. The New Zealand Defence Force in Afganistan are not men and women who, once in a lifetime, rise to the occasion and go into the fray at great personal peril. They are people who train to do this, and more, on a daily basis. New Zealand is proud of their contribution to Afganistan.

This post is dedicated to all those who are in professions that involve keeping our community, and country, safe. Thank you for your sacrifices. - Nick Linton

400m Farmers Walk 2 x 24's/16's Kettlebells
28 Box Jumps 60/50cm
28m Bear Crawl
28 Double Unders
28 Ground to Overhead 40/30kg
28m Bear Crawl
28 Double Unders
28 Chest to bar Pull Ups
28m Bear Crawl
28 Double Unders
28 Burpees
28m Bear Crawl
28 Double Unders
28 Pistols
28m Bear Crawl
28 Double Unders
400m Farmers Walk

Subbed 84 singles for the double unders otherwise as Rx in 30:33. RIP Tim.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Meatza!!!!!!!!!!!! Vegetarians look away

Yeah that's right a meat based pizza,awesome.
Turns out Facebook is good for something :-) this link was posted by one of my "friends" in the US, Donna modified the recipe a little bit, but damn this is good.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Platform is done, just pick the height and get ready to load some stones
Our two new 24kg Kettlebells arrived so.....
...... now I have more to paint.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Work in progress

This should work, just need some 4x4's to use as the main supports

What's hanging in your yard?

The girls enjoy the mid winter sun

On the ropes and then in the gym
My workout today was Jen Conlin's birthday wod:
Ten Mins to go for a 15-20 rep Back squat at 50% or 65% of your 1Rm
I got to 20 @ 100kg
Run 800m with bumper plate (25#/15#) 10kg plate
20 Box Jumps 24 inch
20 Power Cleans(95#/135) 60kg
10 Ring push-ups
Run 800m With Bumper plate
15 Box Jumps
15 Power cleans
10 Ring push ups
As Rx 18:38 :-)

Monday, July 26, 2010


Thruster 1 x 5 70-80-85-90 Fail-90 PR
New Thruster PR at 90kg or 198# :-)


Thruster 1 x 15 @ 50kg


Every min for 12 min – DB Complex

(loading 50% Body Weight) 20kg DB's

3 Hang Power Clean

3 Front Squat

3 Push Press

Dumbell complex was rough!


Brilliant idea!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Snatchtastic Sunday

Sporting my EC Snatch shirt I headed to the gym for some Oly lifting.

Nick joined me to have a go at "Lynne" which is 5 rounds of max reps Body Weight Bench Press and Pull Ups. He managed 26 Bench Press and 80 Pull Ups

I did a Catalyst Athletics O Lifting workout
Muscle Snatch + 2 x OHS + Snatch Balance x 3 Sets - did these at 50kg
2 Position Snatch @ 60% x 4 sets these at 45kg
then 3 x 10 Ab Rollouts using the barbell. I had forgotten how tough these are.

Nick got to find out for himself

Great morning with the sun streaming through the windows

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wow, where did 2 weeks go?????????????

So Donna had a blast at the CrossFit Games and is now hanging out with Paige in Sacramento California before heading to Santa Cruz this afternoon.

Last weekend Amy and I headed to Linton Camp near Palmerston North to take part in the Tough Guy and Gal Mud Run. We both chose the 6k option and it was a blast

Beer, mud and a little bit of a run :-)

Results were: Matt 33:18 22nd overall, 19th Male, 5th in age group

Amy 39:06 75th overall,19th Female, 16th in age group

Then it was a busy week at work and the gym before I could hit todays workout, which Donna did at CF East Sac as well.

Deadlift 3 x 5, then 25-20-15 of Burpees, Power Clean + Push Press and Kettlebell Cross Chops
DL 120-135-150-150-150kg
Met Con: 11:19 using a 20kg sandbag and 1 pood KB

MaD CF sweat angel

Donna and the East Sac crew:
Deads: 75, 80,85, 85, 85

Everyone joined in on the Met Con, it was brutal!!! we did PC/PP with dumbbells

Loren 10kg 11:07
D$ 10kg 12:55
Paige 5kg 13:55 (scaled)
Kelly 12.5kg 16:19
Tino-lets just say after returning from the bathroom and almost meeting pukie-he finished. Then I told him “your girlfriends mom just kicked your ass”

all in all a good morning!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Coaches workout...............

We headed down to clean the gym and hit tomorrows workout. A bit of a test run of the Met Con portion. But 1st it was 5 x 5 Deadlifts. 100-120-135-135-135kg (last 3 sets @ 80% of 1RM)
We're not in Kansas anymore
Met Con 10-1 Burpees and 1-10 Kettlebell swings 2 pood in 5:58 :-)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Annie", "The Chief" and other stuff

Monday - For time:
Row 2k - 50 WallBall Shots 20# ball
Row 1k - 35 WBS
Row 500m - 20 WBS
As Rx 20:48
Tuesday - "Annie"
Double Unders (subbed 4 x single unders)
Sit Ups (subbed half GHD Situps)
Time 10:23

“The Chief” – Max rounds in 3 minutes
3 x 60/43 kg Power Clean
6 x Push Ups
9 x Squat
Rest 1 minute – 5 Cycles
As Rx: 29 rounds.

Power Cleans + Push Ups +

Squats = The Chief
A nice PR, I last did this WOD at CrossFit Battleborn in Reno Nevada on Jul 5th 2009, long time between attempts :-)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Strongman stuff at MaD

Toys :-)

Good shoulder but then a miss on pressing the 45kg stone

Stone loading

Teaching the tire flip
Good day at the gym, great crew from CrossFit Mana. Thanks AJ and Jenn for coming down to play.
Run 400m
4 x 45kg stone loads
Run 400m
10 x 90kg Tire flips
Run 400m
10 x 90kg Fat Bar Deadlifts
As Rx 5:22
More pics here

Monday, June 21, 2010

Dogs, some wod's and stones.............

Some new artwork at the gym, thanks to my brother Dan and his family Kat, Esme' and the newly arrived Cordy for the Blik pugs.

We think the one on the right is Ging!

Everything in it's place.
Wednesday 16 Jun
Clean 5 x 5 - 60-70-80-85 x 4 - 60kg
Then 6 minute AMRAP:
3 Muscle Ups
6 Thrusters 43/30
As Rx 5 rounds
Thursday - Rest
Press 1 x 5 – 60-62.5-65-67.5-70kg Fail
Front Squat 1×15 80kg (these were nasty)
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
8 box jumps (mid thigh)
8 OHS (43/30)
8 KBS (1.5/1)
As Rx 5 rounds + 20 reps.
Saturday and Sunday were rest days but I did manage to move some concrete and soon we will have another baby stone :-)

Empty and full
Back Squat 5 x 5 - 60-80-100-110-110
Deadlift 100/75kg
Push Ups
As Rx 2:32 :-)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another PR only by 0.2 of a pound though :-)

Front Squat 5 x 5 sets across @ 100kg

Then 5 rounds of :
5 Double Unders

HSPU are tough but DU's suck or actually I suck at DU's

Push Press 1 x 5
80-82.5-85-87.5-91 - NEW PR!!! (by 0.2 pounds)
Then 4 rounds of:
5 Ring Dips
20 KB CrossChops 10 per side
20 Lunges with the KB 10 per side

Push Press and CrossChops, fun stuff :-)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Back Squat PR 155kg or 341#

Last time I PR'd my back squat was June last year and then I injured myself falling off a pull up bar - but that's another story entirely. I am really happy to be back at this level :-)

Part way through tonight's workout, which was:

Back Squat 1 x 5 (155kg), so heavy singles, followed by Deadlift 1 x 15 (100kg) and finishing with - 3 RFT:

3 Clean to lunge 1 each leg – 45% BW – DB or Barbell - 40kg

3 Turkish Get Up (each side) 20kg

5 Pull Ups

Time: 7:47

and for Tuesday.
Deadlift 5 x5
130-140-145-150-155 x 3

Then 5 rounds of:
5 Wallball 20# to 10'
5 Power Snatch 20kg
Time: 3:06

I guess the girls think it's winter

Monday, June 7, 2010

New toys and somewhere to put them.

2 new bars one 20kg with bearings and 17kg with bushings.
12 new change plates 4 each of 5,2.5 and 1.25kg

New bar holders :-)
Todays workout:
Cleans 1 x 5 - I used the new 17kg bar, seems to spin ok.
Back squat 1 x 20 @ 102kg
Met Con 3 RFT
6 Ring Dips
6 Power Snatch 42kg
250m Row
All done in 5:50

Sunday, June 6, 2010

High School Reunion and visiting old haunts......

So I spent the weekend in Cambridge at my Class of '83 Reunion. It was a fun time and I managed to get around to the old family homes.

17 Hall St

138 Victoria St

Cambridge Primary School
Still looks the same, as opposed to Cambridge High, which has changed a ton.

The "sneaky way"

The high level bridge
Climbing across the lower span was a favourite pastime