Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Work in progress

This should work, just need some 4x4's to use as the main supports

What's hanging in your yard?

The girls enjoy the mid winter sun

On the ropes and then in the gym
My workout today was Jen Conlin's birthday wod:
Ten Mins to go for a 15-20 rep Back squat at 50% or 65% of your 1Rm
I got to 20 @ 100kg
Run 800m with bumper plate (25#/15#) 10kg plate
20 Box Jumps 24 inch
20 Power Cleans(95#/135) 60kg
10 Ring push-ups
Run 800m With Bumper plate
15 Box Jumps
15 Power cleans
10 Ring push ups
As Rx 18:38 :-)

1 comment:

Donna-MaD Crossfit said...

You're dangerous when left alone. KB look great. see you soon matty