Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bad As then the coaches throw down.......

The Womens Bad As Womens Open Weightlifting competition went off well yesterday.

The ladies warm up!

Marshall from CrossFit A and M and Darren from CrossFit NZ helped to judge. On Friday we hit the MaD CF WOD 10 rounds of 1 Deadlift and 12 Push Ups. Divide time by weight lifted.
Marshall -160kg 1.89
Darren - 160kg 2.25
Matt -145kg 3.63
Then after the Bad As we hit Jason (Thanks Amy!).

Matt: 18:20 a PR by 3 minutes :-)
Darren: 20:12
Marshall: 27:05
Louise: 22:42
Cara: 16:10
Lots more BaD As pics here and here


James Hobart said...

Wow. Congratulations on getting the Bad As comp done. And a friendly nudge to Dyse and his PR.

I look froward to the day when I land in NZ and get to do a trainer wod with MaD

CrossFit Christchurch - Pete said...

Matt the pics look awesome!

Congratulations on a successful comp :-)

May there be many, many more!

Matt said...

@ James, thanks, we look forward to having you here for a wod as soon as possible, oh and I think it's the 1st time I have had a faster wod time than Darren :-)

@ Peter, thanks, Donna worked hard to pull it off. Next year you need to bring some ladies from the mainland up for a weekend road trip!