Working hard at the NZ CrossFit Games Sectionals (check here for all the vids)
A long time between posts. Between work in the Army and at the gym I have been a slacker.
So I will now try to use this as a bit of a training blog and see how that goes.
This week I have been busy assessing and being assessed at work so my workouts have been a little random
Monday I joined the 6pm class at MaD CF for the MetCon
3 RFT:
8 Dumbbell push press @ 30% BW each (20kg each side)
12 Pull-ups
16 KettleBell Swings @ 40% BW (32kg)
Time- 5:25
Tuesday was way too busy so I took a break.
Wednesday (today) was Back squat 5 x 5
4 RFT:
200 m row
10 KB cross-chops (5/side) – 25% BW
Time - 4:54
Matt - great to see you posting again!
I need to work harder too ;-)
Need to get back into the WODs for next year's sectional...
I will go to the regionals!
Regionals? This year or next?
Next year as an athlete competing :-)
As an athlete competing next year is my goal
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