Monday, June 21, 2010

Dogs, some wod's and stones.............

Some new artwork at the gym, thanks to my brother Dan and his family Kat, Esme' and the newly arrived Cordy for the Blik pugs.

We think the one on the right is Ging!

Everything in it's place.
Wednesday 16 Jun
Clean 5 x 5 - 60-70-80-85 x 4 - 60kg
Then 6 minute AMRAP:
3 Muscle Ups
6 Thrusters 43/30
As Rx 5 rounds
Thursday - Rest
Press 1 x 5 – 60-62.5-65-67.5-70kg Fail
Front Squat 1×15 80kg (these were nasty)
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
8 box jumps (mid thigh)
8 OHS (43/30)
8 KBS (1.5/1)
As Rx 5 rounds + 20 reps.
Saturday and Sunday were rest days but I did manage to move some concrete and soon we will have another baby stone :-)

Empty and full
Back Squat 5 x 5 - 60-80-100-110-110
Deadlift 100/75kg
Push Ups
As Rx 2:32 :-)

1 comment:

PaigeM812 said...

awww linger is on the wall :)