Monday, June 21, 2010

Dogs, some wod's and stones.............

Some new artwork at the gym, thanks to my brother Dan and his family Kat, Esme' and the newly arrived Cordy for the Blik pugs.

We think the one on the right is Ging!

Everything in it's place.
Wednesday 16 Jun
Clean 5 x 5 - 60-70-80-85 x 4 - 60kg
Then 6 minute AMRAP:
3 Muscle Ups
6 Thrusters 43/30
As Rx 5 rounds
Thursday - Rest
Press 1 x 5 – 60-62.5-65-67.5-70kg Fail
Front Squat 1×15 80kg (these were nasty)
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
8 box jumps (mid thigh)
8 OHS (43/30)
8 KBS (1.5/1)
As Rx 5 rounds + 20 reps.
Saturday and Sunday were rest days but I did manage to move some concrete and soon we will have another baby stone :-)

Empty and full
Back Squat 5 x 5 - 60-80-100-110-110
Deadlift 100/75kg
Push Ups
As Rx 2:32 :-)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another PR only by 0.2 of a pound though :-)

Front Squat 5 x 5 sets across @ 100kg

Then 5 rounds of :
5 Double Unders

HSPU are tough but DU's suck or actually I suck at DU's

Push Press 1 x 5
80-82.5-85-87.5-91 - NEW PR!!! (by 0.2 pounds)
Then 4 rounds of:
5 Ring Dips
20 KB CrossChops 10 per side
20 Lunges with the KB 10 per side

Push Press and CrossChops, fun stuff :-)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Back Squat PR 155kg or 341#

Last time I PR'd my back squat was June last year and then I injured myself falling off a pull up bar - but that's another story entirely. I am really happy to be back at this level :-)

Part way through tonight's workout, which was:

Back Squat 1 x 5 (155kg), so heavy singles, followed by Deadlift 1 x 15 (100kg) and finishing with - 3 RFT:

3 Clean to lunge 1 each leg – 45% BW – DB or Barbell - 40kg

3 Turkish Get Up (each side) 20kg

5 Pull Ups

Time: 7:47

and for Tuesday.
Deadlift 5 x5
130-140-145-150-155 x 3

Then 5 rounds of:
5 Wallball 20# to 10'
5 Power Snatch 20kg
Time: 3:06

I guess the girls think it's winter

Monday, June 7, 2010

New toys and somewhere to put them.

2 new bars one 20kg with bearings and 17kg with bushings.
12 new change plates 4 each of 5,2.5 and 1.25kg

New bar holders :-)
Todays workout:
Cleans 1 x 5 - I used the new 17kg bar, seems to spin ok.
Back squat 1 x 20 @ 102kg
Met Con 3 RFT
6 Ring Dips
6 Power Snatch 42kg
250m Row
All done in 5:50

Sunday, June 6, 2010

High School Reunion and visiting old haunts......

So I spent the weekend in Cambridge at my Class of '83 Reunion. It was a fun time and I managed to get around to the old family homes.

17 Hall St

138 Victoria St

Cambridge Primary School
Still looks the same, as opposed to Cambridge High, which has changed a ton.

The "sneaky way"

The high level bridge
Climbing across the lower span was a favourite pastime

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A couple to catch up on.................

June 1st

(NOT FOR TIME) – Complete 5 rounds of:
1 Power Snatch
3 Overhead Squat
5 Box Jumps
*Do 1 Power Snatch, then 3 OHS without setting the bar down, then Box Jump.
*Increase the load each round.
*Increase the box jump height each round.
*Go as heavy as possible, go as high as possible - 70kg and 101cm
June 3

Front Squat 5 x 5
Then another Met Con from Catalyst.

3 rounds for time of:
10 (1 Clean + 2 lunge) – 50% BW
20 pull-ups
As Rx with 40kg 12:35
This combo sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!