Saturday, January 30, 2010

A bit of ice and snow.........

Last night we had a bit of an ice storm...
..followed today by 5 inches of snow

Got to love the weather in Tulsa, OK

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just another warehouse?

From the outside.........

You never know what is behind the roller door.

This is Next Generation CrossFit in Tulsa. I hit their 6am class for:
Strength/Skill: 20 Back Squats (225/135), one set.
Three rounds, each timed, of:
500m Run
Rest approx. 5 minutes between rounds
This one is a leg burner :-)

Some of the snacks on offer at the firm I am training with. At least they offer great coffee and jerky to offset the Butterfingers and donuts.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's been too long...........

OK so I am now in Tulsa, Oklahoma for some army training. At the same time I am managing to pick up some stuff for the gym and visit local affiliates.

First stop was CrossFit Tulsa, thanks to Brandon for making me welcome and letting me play with my new shoes.
I am here for a week before heading back to NZ so I hope to hit at least a couple more CrossFit gyms.
In the meantime Donna is holding the fort in NZ. Give her a call or stop by if you live close. A big thanks to Liz for making us both feel at home back in NZ :-)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Entryway to MaD CrossFit - hit the link and check out the new layout at MaD CrossFit as well.

25 November 1st coat of paint - and now

A couple of other views

Thanks to Jane for the stencils
The stereo gets some elevation
The dip stations look much better with a coat of paint on the timber supports

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Transmission resumes...............

Sorry for the break in posts, I guess me going back to work and working at the gym have got in the way.

Pics from Fridays "Filthy 50" which I finished in 26:44

More to follow...................