Today is Paige and Gingers birthday! Happy Birthday to you both!
The girls in the middle of the warm up
We headed to
CrossFit East Sacramento for the 8:30am class. That way Donna could workout before taking Paige through some of the fundamental CrossFit exercises prior to her starting a months membership at CFES.
Press, Push Press, Push JerkI helped coach and provided a few gymnastics pointers for some of the crew who are adding Hand Stand Push Ups in as a finisher after their workouts.
Donna's CFES workout, 3 Rounds For Max Load:
Strict Press 5 Reps, Push Press 5 Reps, Push Jerk 5 Reps
Max load: 70#Then do the following in teams of 3 -As Many Double Unders as Possible In 20 Minutes:
1) Row 250m
2) Double Under
3) Rest
*One teammate starts at each station. When the rower finishes 250m they rotate to Double Unders, Double Unders rotates to rest and rest rotates to row. The team score will be the total number of double unders completed in 20 minutes.
Team score: 293I hit the 7 of Spades from the
Hopper Deck. For Time: Row 1000m (I subbed 800m run) followed by 21-15-9 135# Front Squat and Back Extensions. My time: 9:08. Great workout as usual from the hopper deck, legs felt like jelly in round two.

After running through fundamentals, Paige hit a modified "Helen" 3 Rounds for time: Run 400m, 21 Kettlebell Swings 18kg, 12 Jumping Pull Ups 10:45.
Tonight we head to
"Hooters" for dinner, watch out wings here we come.